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True Confessions

So…true confessions.

I know what I came here to do. My purpose came to me very clearly and concretely during a focused time I set aside for spiritual practice in 2017. I wrote the words that describe my purpose in a Google doc that I have gone back to time and time again. Still today, 5 years later, those words ring truer than ever. And, if I’m honest, I knew my purpose on some level long before then.

What’s the confession, then?

Well, as certain as I am about my purpose. It still scares the shit out of me to claim it out loud and make the moves I need to make for it to be fulfilled in my lifetime. But I do it anyway. That’s why this website got made, offerings got posted, and folks are signing up to work with me. I know I have things to do for my own healing and transformation and to leave a better world for generations after me. And so do you!

And, in the words of Ancestor Audre the Lorde:

“When I dare to be powerful — to use my strength in the service of my vision, it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

I used to feel fear often when I thought of connecting with my ancestors for guidance of any kind. But like with any relationship, spending time together built trust and comfort. Today, I am so certain that they have my back and want me…us… to heal and thrive and bring all of the gifts, magic, and medicine only we can bring to the world.

I look forward to transforming fear into purpose-driven action with you.

Let’s get to it!